Sex Blog Thoughts on Sex

Sex makes the world a better place

Well I’m new to this blogging thing so please forgive me as I slowly start posting things…

I figured you guys can get to know me a little bit more through these posts. 

One of my hard core beliefs is the whole world needs to have more sex and the world would just simply be a better place. I have a hard time when I hear about people denying their partners simply because they’re not in the mood or giving the lame ass excuse of a headache. Yes, there definitely have been times that I am not 100% in the mood. However, within a matter of 30 seconds my mind shifts and my body says yes yes yes! I know I am one of those who have a incredibly high sex drive however, I feel like if people would embrace their sexuality more they too could enjoy a higher sex drive. I think it’s somewhat of an obligation on both parties to satisfy your partner, or at least attempt to! “A blow job a day keeps the mistresses away” is a quote I heard the other day and I love it! I do think that every single day is a bit much however, multiple times a week…hell yes! 

So get out there and have more sex with your partner!

3 replies on “Sex makes the world a better place”

A BJ a day keeps…….
That’s mostly true. I have the benefit of daily BJ or romp and it really cuts down on my visits to other “friends”.

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