Sex Blog

  • Embracing Compliments and Navigating Flirtation with Grace
    As a sexual health and wellness advocate, I understand the importance of balance in all aspects of life, including our daily interactions, especially when it comes to social dynamics between men and women. Normally I’m posting on how a guy might better interact with a girl but I thought I would change things up and… Read more: Embracing Compliments and Navigating Flirtation with Grace
  • It’s okay to be tied up
    Do you experiment with you partner in the bedroom? Do you play around with toys? Do you try sensory excitement with your partner? If you answered NO to any of the above questions I’m here to help. Everything I’m outlining in this post should not be tried until you’ve had some serious discussions with your… Read more: It’s okay to be tied up
  • Bringing Dress Up in to the Bedroom
    Playing dress up in the bedroom can have several benefits for individuals and couples, both in terms of personal enjoyment and enhancing the overall intimacy of their relationship. Here are some potential benefits: It’s important to note that everyone’s preferences and comfort levels are different. Consent, communication, and mutual respect are crucial when engaging in… Read more: Bringing Dress Up in to the Bedroom
  • Lingerie as part of a healthy sex life
    I do love the way I feel in Lingerie and it’s a big part of a healthy sex life. I want to start using my site more to help others explore their sexual wellness and plan on posting more around topics related to that. Here’s a little post about bringing lingerie in to you and… Read more: Lingerie as part of a healthy sex life
  • The Art of Fellatio
    I wanted to talk a little bit about the art of fellatio!  I know not every woman loves this and I know there are many men who simply do not enjoy it either.  What brings this topic up is that I was speaking with a Buddy the other day he said he had honestly not… Read more: The Art of Fellatio
  • True exhibitionist at heart
    From Day 1, I never thought that I would be comfortable with getting online and having hundreds and thousands of people see me. Let alone have it get me off in a way I never thought possible. There’s something so arousing about knowing you’re being watched. While in high school, my boyfriend and I went… Read more: True exhibitionist at heart
  • Need Sex
    I guess this is just a rant, not a real educational insight into my mind. How come I have way more in common with the majority of men that I deal with than women. I want sex twice a week at minimum every week. Once a week will do however I get so stressed out… Read more: Need Sex
  • Don’t Hide your Sexuality
    I feel that people hide their sexuality so much. How on earth is anybody supposed to please you sexually if you don’t know yourself sexually? Being raised in a very close minded Mormon household, sex was never up for discussion. The forbidden fruit is always the most tempting!   There is a reason why Utah has… Read more: Don’t Hide your Sexuality
  • Sex makes the world a better place
    Well I’m new to this blogging thing so please forgive me as I slowly start posting things… I figured you guys can get to know me a little bit more through these posts.  One of my hard core beliefs is the whole world needs to have more sex and the world would just simply be… Read more: Sex makes the world a better place

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